We as Sisters for Hope want to meet forced prostituted women and children in their thoughts and feelings. We want to show them that they do not have to accept what others and they themselves think about slum dwellers: “I am weak, useless and worthless! Instead, we want to meet them as God meets us through his Son Jesus Christ, in love. We want to convey: You are valuable and accepted unconditionally.
We want to meet women who feel unseen and like dirt and who have often never experienced real love in their lives and build relationships with them. We want to show them that they are valuable and loved and that God has provided more for them and given everything for them personally: His Son Jesus Christ.
However, we do not want to alleviate the spiritual poverty of the women alone, but we want to empower these women through our actions to leave prostitution and turn to other work. For the creation of alternative jobs, we as Sisters for Hope work closely with the Business for Transformation Initiative.
Our Motto
Give justice to the weak and the fatherless; maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute.Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.”
Psalm 82,3-4